Top Shot Tackle Australia
Unit 1 / 42 Bacon Street, Hindmarsh South Australia 5007
Phone: +61 (8) 8346 8088, Fax: +61 (8) 8346 8166
Proud Corporate
Members of the IGFA

Major Sponsors of
Annual Lizard Island
Black Marlin Classic
Tags, Tagging and Tactics - Overview

Tagging, as the statistics indicate, has become one
of the most widely accepted forms of recreational
and sport fishing. It has dramatically influenced the
styles, approach, tactics and set-ups in modern
boats today. This is helping to create the future of
fishing for the generations to come.

The information gathered from tagging is utilized in
two forms:
1. As a point scoring procedure for individuals, clubs
and tournaments to compete on a sporting level
without the kill factor.
2. The use of tagging for the gathering of scientific
data completed by the Australian fisheries, other
government, and private organizations globally. The
data obtained through these organizations is to be
used commercially and privately to support and
improve the management of fisheries on a local and
global front.

The Australian Game Fish Tagging program has
been in operation since 1973. It involves a total of
36,000 anglers from various locations around the

According to the NSW fisheries:
"The objectives of this program are to obtain
information on the biology (distribution, movement,
growth, exploitation) of billfish, tunas, sharks and
sportfish and to encourage gamefish anglers to
participate in fisheries management and research."

Calypso Star Charter
Eyre Peninsula, SA
* Dive with Great
* Long-Range Fishing
Since the Australian Game Fish Tagging program
was introduced (mainly through the sport and
game fishing organizations to improve the coverage
and exposure of the program) Tagging has
expanded to the point where the majority of
serious anglers have accepted the procedure as
part of fishing and now individuals, fishing clubs,
tackle shops, tackle manufactures and charter
operators are involved at various levels of the

Currently there have been over four thousand
recaptures reported. These recaptures enable
researchers and anglers alike to better understand
the migratory habits, growth patterns and general
behavior of these fish. It also enhances the
management of fisheries in different areas.

Although tagging is widely practiced throughout
the world, any literature (i.e. what, why, where,
when, and how) outlining correct tactics and
procedures are scarce at best. Hopefully the
following information will enlighten you on the
correct methods and procedures for tagging.

Things you need to know :-
a) The different tags that are used
b) Which tags to use and on what fish
c) Where to get them
d) What to use them with
e) Where to place them on the fish
f) How to deliver them and when
g) On the water tactics.